Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Scare Tactics and the Left

For as long as I can remember, I’ve listened to the left whine that republicans and conservatives use scare tactics as a means of pushing their agenda. One of their go-to examples is their claim that Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to go to Iraq.

So what is it called when the Democrats use these same types of tactics to push their agenda?

Rahm Emanual (Obama’s Chief of Staff) recently told the New York Times, “Never allow a crisis to go to waste.” Not long after, Hillary Clinton told members of European Parliament, “Never waste a good crisis.” And Obama himself said last Saturday that there is great opportunity in the midst of the ‘great crisis’ befalling America.

Anybody else notice that everything is a crisis these days? The financial crisis, the education crisis, the housing crisis, the health care crisis and others are being used by the left to scare people into going along with their unprecedented levels of spending. If people don’t think there is some sort of crisis – they aren’t going to go along with multi-trillion dollar deficits.

The left spent years screaming that Bush was using a crisis for his partisan or ideological gain, and now we have Obama and his cronies boasting that they are using the pain of the American people to push their agenda – you’d think that the media would be all over that. But no.

It’s called courageous. It's called progress. It’s called leadership.

Hypocrisy is an ugly thing, isn’t it?

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