Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Are you freaking kidding me?

As I watched B. Hussein Obama sworn in as the president of the United States yesterday, I couldn't help but giggle when the oath became a mangled mess. That's it...just a giggle. I hadn't planned on giving it a second thought.

Until I turned on the radio and hear some liberal commentators and callers complaining about how John Roberts had messed things up and was to blame for the gaffe. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

First, we are already making excuses for B. Hussein? He's going to have to put on his big-boy pants at some point and start taking some responsibility.

Second, if Mr. Roberts messed up on the oath, shouldn't our new President be a quick enough thinker that he can repeat after someone, or is that too much to ask? I mean, we all know he can read off a teleprompter like nobody's business, but ask that man to repeat after you and the crap hits the fan.

But I must admit that I'm not surprised. The next 4 years will be an endless string of excuses for B. Hussein. Anything that goes wrong the next 4 years will be blamed on Bush or someone else, and Obama will get the credit for anything that goes right.
Luckily, I won't have much time to sit around listening to the liberal media fawn over their messiah. I'll be too busy waiting in line for health care...


J. Guest said...


Kim said...

Jenny . . . you seriously make me laugh! I couldn't agree with you more though.